Here I sit in the dark. Having my second to last cup of coffee from my Wichtel Laura Clark from Kansas. A really nice cup of coffee. Sweet blueberries, chocolate and a sprinkle of cherry coke. Seriously fun stuff. It’s a Yirgacheffe from Kaldi’s where Laura works as a barista.
Not only the coffee has been fantastic, but the whole #thirdwavewichteln experience, and for that I want to say thank you to @bosch, @lastguest_hh and @roitsch who startet this in some comments on Instagram.
Wichteln is the German word for the Christmas “game” Secret Santa. Originally you have a small box, everyone writes down her/his name on a slip of paper and puts it into the box. Then everyone takes out one slip of paper and thereby chooses a person. Now she/he is this person’s Secret Santa and has to get her/him a present. In times of the internets we want to do this digitally, so we created this page. The theme is coffee. Good coffee. Special coffee. Third Wave coffee. Thereby we want to support small producers and roasters that love coffee as much as we do.
I got to discover a lot about coffee while browsing the #thirdwavecoffee-hashtg on Instagram and twitter and the people and post’s behind that. Also #thirdwavecoffee started a series of coffee tastings and gatherings of which I had the pleasure to join one organised by Alex.
I am really looking forward for the next round of #thirdwavewichteln and in the mean time feel free to contact me for a peer to peer coffee swap. 🙂