
„Where is the main course?“ – While facilitating a workshop within a youth exchange with a French group I was asked to explain the concept of German „Abendbrot“[evening bread meal].


Having bread with cheese or sausages is quiet convenient, but not exactly what I personally feel beste with. Bread, regardless if plain white or whole wheat doesn’t really ever fed me up very well. So I changed my eating habits and try to avoid bread (alongside with other short-chained carbohydrates) for six times a week. Saturday remains a cheat day, where bread, which I still really love from a taste perspective, has a prominent role. I grew up with bread and love its variety, which it doesn’t necessarily has everywhere, but which it most certainly got in Germany. (Or used to had.) I love to bake bread, too.

Even if I prefer to have some veggies, some eggs, meat or legumes for breakfast, dinner and supper (or Abend„brot“), bread is still of greater value and has a positive connotation for me. And yes. Probably for most people who grew up in Germany. People like those who started to cultivate the bread emoji on the social network ello.co:

ello bread emoji.

Meanwhile a (pretty boring, stereotypical and dumb movie by BuzzFeedVideo explained ello’s :bread: meme (just skip to the last ten seconds):


Heute habe ich durch ein paar vergilbte Instagrambilder durchgeflipt, die ich in den letzten Jahren geknipst habe. Viele „ach ja!“- und „hach“-Erinnerungen motivierten mich dann als gleich heut’ noch ein bisschen mehr zu fotografieren. Außerdem bot die herbstliche Kulisse des Arboretum Ellernhoop beste Gelegenheit dazu. Und wie Frederick die Maus sammelte ich dabei gleich ein paar Farben für den Winter.

Continue reading “#ichsammlefarbenfürdenwinter”

Veranstaltungsankündigung: „Bildungsarbeit mit Film und Digitalen Medien“

Für Weiterbildung Hamburg e.V. werde ich im nächsten Monat einen kurzen Workshop zur aktiven Nutzung von Film und anderen Medien in der Bildungsarbeit anbieten.

Theorie und Praxis verbindend gibt dieser Workshop eine Einführung dazu, wie digitale Medien produktiv in der Bildungsarbeit genutzt werden können. Neben best-practise-Beispielen für Methoden und Werkzeuge aus der mediengestützten Bildungsarbeit mit verschiedenen Zielgruppen sollen auch Beteiligungschancen durch Medienarbeit und Ansätze für Projekte und Kooperationen diskutiert werden.

Donnerstag, den 6. November 2014 von 15:00 – 18:00 Uhr. Anmeldungen unter veranstaltungen@weiterbildung-hamburg.net bis zum 31. Oktober. Bei Weiterbildung Hamburg e.V. gibt es auch weitere Informationen.

(Don’t) support your mittelständischen Einmachglasversand

Einmal nicht beim „bösen“ Amazon bestellt, gleich klappt die Zustellung nicht. Einmachgläser (und anderer Krams) geht an Versandhandel zurück. Patzige Mails. Meine Adresse sei ja wohl falsch angegeben. War sie nicht. Und dann noch eine merkwürdige Antwort. Weiß nicht ob ich lachen soll:

Ich hoffe dass der Fehler bei [dem Zusteller] liegt, sonst bleiben wir mal wieder auf den Kosten sitzen und verschicken Pakete bald als Sozialleistung mit üppigen Verlusten…(Obwohl uns keinerlei Schuld trifft)

Dann kann ich die Gläser hier an der Straße eigentlich auch direkt verschenken. Dann spare ich mir wenigstens das aufwendige Verpacken der Gläser, was uns ja auch kein Mensch bezahlt.

12 von 12 (September 2014)

Ihr macht am 12. eines Monats ganz, ganz viele Fotos. Am schönsten ist es, wenn ihr euren Tagesablauf dokumentiert. Abends wählt ihr dann 12 Bilder aus und postet sie in eurem blog. […]

Die sechste Runde 12 von 12 war etwas zäher. Es war ein eher langsamer, ruhiger Tag mit viel Homeoffice und Carework.

My bicycle. And my saddle. <3

My bicycle (and a brick wall)

It’s one of these under appreciated everyday items. My good old bicycle. And when I say old, I mean old. At least relatively. I think my parents bought this for me in 1994 or 1995, when I was 14/15 years old. So this bike has been for me for more than half of my life. Well, some parts of it are that old. The bicycle is one of the few (more ore less technically complex) things, which I am able to repair. And I repaired it a lot and changed most of this parts, by now. The frame broke in 2001, but since its producer Fahrradmanufaktur gave ten years of warranty, I got a spare frame and transferred everything from the old frame to the new one.

Rims, handlebar, rear sprockets, low riders, pannier rack, lamps, kickstand, … about everything broke once or more times. Dozens of brake pads, gear and brake cables, tires got replaced. Splash guards, pedals, bottle holders and reflectors from other abandoned bikes got reused. Cork bar tape and bicycle chains got battered and renewed. And of course I didn’t buy a kiddy seat before 2008, when our first child turned one year.

So what’s left from my original bicycle?

The sun tour gear and brake lever are original, so is the crank and the Abus lock. And one thing I really love, and which I did never think would last 20 years: my Brooks bicycle saddle. It took a thousand kilometers to make it comfy, and I blame it for destroying dozens of jeans through out the years. But I wouldn’t trade it for a thing.

I often dreamt of buying a new bike. But always resisted. I had five or six Macs since I got my current bike. I bought about ten phones since 1998. I even owned three cars by now. My bike is one of the last remaining non-disposable articles I own. And I think I’ll stick to it for a while.

Ello.co – simple, beautiful, ad-free and beta.

Ello.co – Screenshot

The last social media service, I got (at least) a little excited about has been tent.is (now cupcake.io), used by about a dozen people. The concept to build an open protocol as a fundament for many services seemed noble and for me it was much more appealing than diaspora.

Well, ello.co isn’t open, but it’s as its claim is promising: simple, beautiful and ad-free.

As some people wished for Twitter and as app.net tried, ello aims to build its business model around Freemium:

From time to time we offer special features to our users. If we create a special feature that you like, you can choose to pay a very, very small amount of money to add it to your Ello account forever.

We’ll see, how that works out. Ello is currently very beta and thus lacks of a lot of features (some of them gotta be free) and it’s vividly discussed on elli, if its minimalistic (featureless) state isn’t also a strength of ello. For example there is currently nothing like retweests or shared items that spam the timeline.

Reactions on Ello about Ello vary between: wake me up as soon as it’s working and take good care about Ello, it already grow dear on my heart. I will definitely try to keep faith with Ello for a while, since not only it’s minimalism is a a nice change to Facebook and Twitter, also noise is virtually banned in a separate tab. And while I manage Twitter pretty well with private lists and am quite thankful for Facebook’s arbitrary filtering, on both channels there is still a lot of automated content, ads, spam, noise and redundancy on those channels. If not for more: it’s pretty relaxing to follow just a couple dozen people who are – yet – pretty attentive on what they post. And it has been a great opportunity to just follow a couple new pepz, I didn’t already knew from elsewhere, which has is own appealing.

Long story short: My first impression of Ello is quiet pleasant. Yes, it’s very beta. But it is very neat, very unobtrusive and most def got some potential. … Good Luck, Ello. Hopefully you don’t end up too soon on this list of services I actually really liked to use, but which I don’t really use anymore:

12 von 12 (August 2014)

Es ist ja nicht so, als ob ich nicht ohnehin tagein, tagaus durch die Gegend rumknipse, aber irgendwie hat mir dieses 12 von 12 echt angefangen Spaß zu machen. Mein fünfter Durchlauf.

So geht’s:

Ihr macht am 12. eines Monats ganz, ganz viele Fotos. Am schönsten ist es, wenn ihr euren Tagesablauf dokumentiert. Abends wählt ihr dann 12 Bilder aus und postet sie in eurem blog. […]

Und mein TextExpander-Snippet (siehe „9“) hilft ungemein, das schneller zusammen zu basteln.

Continue reading “12 von 12 (August 2014)”